Visit to Selvino by Haim Pelts, with some friends, on November 8, 2018. In memory of Father Yitzhak Pelts (or Pelz, born in 1933), a Child from Selvino, welcomed, cared for and formed for new life in Israel, together with his brothers: Dov (born in 1931), Zvika (born in 1935, who visited Selvino), Rifka (born 1937) and Yoshi-Josef (born 1939), all from Tomaschov in Poland, children of Samuel and Sarah. Yitzhak Pelts died in 1994, he was only 60 years old. 

The son Haim wanted to review Selvino and the colony of Sciesopoli the place where his father was reborn to life. With broken words of emotion, which move us, he wanted to remember it and commemorate it for himself, for his family and his descendants. But also for us, because we must not forget the most tragic page in human history, the tragedy of the Holocaust due to hatred, racism and anti-Semitism.

His father Yitzhak had 13 years when he arrived in Selvino from Poland with his brothers Dov, Zvika, Josef and his sister Rifka. They were helped by the Joint (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) and the Jewish Brigade. Mother Sara, who carried the surname of Hamer as a maiden, was welcomed in a large refugee camp near Milan (probably the “Adriatic” camp).
Yitzhak stayed for about two years in Sciesopoli, under the careful guidance of director Moshe Zeiri, who was like a father to all the children of the house of Selvino. Like his brothers, Yitzhak also left Selvino in November 1948 with the last group of children together with Moshe Zeiri. He took the train from Milan to Naples and then with the Greek ship Theti reached Israel. It was a legal journey because on 16 May 1948 the State of Israel was recognized by the UN. 


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